Holland America Cruise 08/23/10 through 09/06/10

Check out the summary which is the last posting. Images are inserted from first to last for each article. Page down to skip the text just to view the images. We have extensive editing yet to do on our journal for next few weeks. Images are inserted in front of each article topic and above each image is a brief description.
NOTE: Except for the map and ship, you can click on any image for a larger view.

We have examined and selected the "story telling" images that are samples of all photos taken. As we examine images from the larger collection, we will upload them to a photo sharing site and announce the posting here. Glaciers and flowers were the main attractions at the ports. It is almost worth the trip to see the flowers in Alaska. The glacier's are awesome to say the least.

Of the places we visited, the town of Sitka was our favorite. The best view of a glacier was in Juneau. Homer was keen for fisherman, but not for tourists.

A side note:
We learned that many shop owners and those making a living from the tourist are "snowbirds" that move to the lower 48 in the winter, although some of the coastal towns do not get as cold as we might think.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kodiak Hubbard Glacier and Juneau's Mendenhall Glacier 0901 090310

Kodiak Alaska

Branof Museum /Erskine House

Branof Museum: Only bear we saw on Kodiak island.
The live ones are on the other side of the island only reached by plane.

Inside the Branof Museum

Dedication marker of Erskine House
Note when clicking on image below
you can see 1890 view of Erskine House

Front porch of Branof Museum/Erskine House

Flowers on edge of Branof Museum/Erskine House

A closer view of an unusual blossom

Kodiak boats, notice wind turbines on mountain
Click to see larger view

Hubbard Glacier 9/2/10
View from Amsterdam

Juneau Alaska - 9/3/10

Juneau Alaska's best attraction:
Notice the waterfall on the right
Hikers can walk on the land bridge
and get much closer, but our time was limited.

Mendenhall Glacier -
click and you will see a waterfall at the base of the glacier

Mendenhall Glacier at Visitor's Center


Here we are in Kodiak and the bears are on the other side of the island. Temperature is 54 degrees. Our boat leaves at 12:30 pm so that does not give us much time. Our next stop is Hubbard Glacier and then Juneau where we reserved spaces for a salmon bake, etc.
Our in port info sheet says there are more than 2000 resident Kodiak bears on the island. Kodiaks can be more than 10 feet all and weight more than 1200 pounds. There are two interesting museums about the indigenous people.

Since ship leaves about noon we have a very short time to see the village of Kodiak.

3:02 pm 9/2/2010
I attended environmental standards video. The discussion was focused on the work of the ship to save the environment at sea.

3:03 pm 9/2/2010 recorded part of 20 video on ship's environment.

3:56 pm 9/2/2010

Digital workshop using win 7 paint. instructor suggested photoshop, Photoshop and video professor were mentioned.
8 pm Juneau
lecture on maintenance of computer with recommendations on security software ms security essentials.

8:56 pm 9/1/2010
We had dinner in the Lido and watched the movie about rugby in South
Africa. Then we went up to the crow's nest and watched the 180 degree view of the sea with no land in sight. We are headed to Hubbard Glacier. Our daily program for tomorrow forecasts weather partly cloudy 42 degrees.

7:33 am 9/2/2010
Today is Hubbard Glacier day. All day at sea until we arrive in Juneau. Hubbard Glacier is the longest tidewater glacier. Today's program tells us the temperature will be 42 degrees. While Larie is preparing for breakfast I will try to upload log through 9/1.

61 minutes balance start on line. Uploaded 8/30-8/31 notes
check to compare on line time to upload journal to blog for 2 days and print to pdf file, and check e-mail.
11:08 am 9/2/2010
Approaching inlet to Hubbard Glacier after stretching exercises in the gym while larie walked abound the deck.
11:23 am 9/2/2010
revised ready to load revised session for 83110
Hubbard Glacier
2:54 pm 9/3/2010
Most of the morning I was at the bow of the ship taking videos and snapshots of Hubbard and adjoining glacier. One video tape was recorded and half of second one. Many single photo images taken with video camera as well as with the Olympus camera. I see that we have 105 images including Kodiak that I transferred to acer and erased the images on the memory stick of the Olympus. Also recharged the batteries. The video tape has 30 minutes left of one hour tape. When taking the video of the Hubbard glacier the announcer, a native egregious Alaska was telling a story in the background. I believe within the 30 minutes we have three or four calves recorded. When transferring to CD I will need to high light those out within video.

Jeneau Alaska
7:13 am 9/3/2010
Arrived in Jeneau and noticed two other large boats. One was following ours into port.
I copied 114 images to from Olympus to acer and 64 from sandisks from video stills. Just had breakfast brought in so we will eat and prepare for shore excursion - Salmon bake, etc.
7:58 am 9/4/2010
The shore excursion first stopped at Mendenhall Glacier. We had closer view than at the Hubbard glacier. Mendall glacier is about a mile wide and there were two water falls showing the melting of the glacier. Then we visited a salmon fish hatchery and then the salmon bake. Larie was not too happy with the quality of the salmon.

We gained an hour while at sea on the way to Victoria with expectation of arrival at 4 pm tomorrow. The boat is really rocking with the sea and we are on our way to breakfast. Then we will start out packing 6 bags. One bag full of Lari's shopping stuff. We will pack three 28 inch bags and two smaller ones. Hopefully the two smaller ones will be shipped by UPS when we get to Seattle.

We have to have all bags ready for ship's crew to move the luggage to a gathering area where we have to pass through customs. Since the ship is Dutch registry we are required to pass through customs just as if we had traveled to a foreign country. Victoria, of course, is part of Canada.

spell checked

12:07 AM 9/5/2010

3:53 AM 9/5/2010
ready to upload as article covering 901 and 902.

A couple just said I had a "cute computer" :)

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