Holland America Cruise 08/23/10 through 09/06/10

Check out the summary which is the last posting. Images are inserted from first to last for each article. Page down to skip the text just to view the images. We have extensive editing yet to do on our journal for next few weeks. Images are inserted in front of each article topic and above each image is a brief description.
NOTE: Except for the map and ship, you can click on any image for a larger view.

We have examined and selected the "story telling" images that are samples of all photos taken. As we examine images from the larger collection, we will upload them to a photo sharing site and announce the posting here. Glaciers and flowers were the main attractions at the ports. It is almost worth the trip to see the flowers in Alaska. The glacier's are awesome to say the least.

Of the places we visited, the town of Sitka was our favorite. The best view of a glacier was in Juneau. Homer was keen for fisherman, but not for tourists.

A side note:
We learned that many shop owners and those making a living from the tourist are "snowbirds" that move to the lower 48 in the winter, although some of the coastal towns do not get as cold as we might think.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Anchorage to Homer Aug 30 - Aug 31 2010

Homer we noticed an eagle in the middle of this barrier,
but unable to find it in this photo

Homer notice buildings in background at end of the "Spit"

Homer: Notice ship approaching harbor. Watching the fisherman return
was the best activity other than fishing itself. This area seems to be

fisherman's heaven.

Homer Alaska:
Notice small boat getitng closer to harbor
We watched a number of boats arrive in the harbor
just about the time our ship was to leave Homer.

The Pinnacle Dining Room was a treat.

Anchorage displayed a log cabin and the city was
repleat with flowers

Larie trying to hide my "profile" : )
Larie was most impressed by the flowers in Anchorage which was unexpected in a city but flowers were everywhere in Alaska in late August and early September

What is this flower?

Dogs were being shown off in downtown square and Larie had to pet one.

Amazing bloom, flowers were lush in Anchorage.

Anchorage to Homer Alaska 8/30 - 8/31/10

Monday 08/30 while On bus to downtown Anchorage we called Salvador and tried to call Mary.
Salvador, I did not understand your response when I asked about your tests.
Will you elaborate by e-mail? When I attended the "digital workshop" I
managed to clean up my e-mail inbox in a manner of speaking, and accidentally moved my mail to a Kim commando mail folder. Now I have to delete unwanted mail in Kim Komando folder and
move the rest in that folder to other appropriately named folders.

Anchorage and Homer 083010 through 083110, Tuesday and Wednesday
At Anchorage We had room service for breakfast and I uploaded most recent leg of Cruise
covering 8/27 to 8/30. To conserve internet access time, a copy of travel blog was
printed to pdf file for review. Then I noticed that copying journal from notepad to Blog
looses some formatting. I expect to edit the blog when back home. So, for now formatting is not a top priority especially with limited time to access the internet. I learned later when in the digital workshop that the laptops there appear to have faster access. The internet manager said that he believed that the Acer was slower than the laptops with more memory. Hmm, I have 2 gb memory on the acer and have not encountered such delay in Austin hot spot

2:33 pm 8/30/2010
We returned to the ship about 2:30 pm after Larie found a bunch of t-shirts and I found a
waterproof Alaska wind breaker. Not sure that it is sufficiently flexible for golf
gear though.

5:17 pm 8/30/2010
The Lord was really looking out for me this afternoon. At the Gym. for stretching
exercise as PT for my lower back, I used an elastic rope attached to handles. As I placed my shoe within what looks like a small stirup, it slipped and hit me around the right eye. Lord be praised, my right eye does not appear to be damaged. But I am soaking it as surely the least will be a black eye.

5:50 AM 8/31/2010
If you examine the right panel of the blog page under "blog archive" you will see each
page or time period of the cruise with the latest on top.
5:52 AM 8/31/2010
Off to the Fontaine dinning room.
I had coho salmon and Larie had chicken. Either of which was too much to eat at one

7:25 A.M. 8/31/2010

We expect room service shortly and have not decided what we will do in Homer. It is 4
miles to homer and the last bus to return is at 4 pm. We expect to land on a strip of land
that extends out to the port by 4 miles from this little town. Hop on hop off bus is an
option. We did not see local tourist guides as in other ports.

9:08 PM 8/31/2010
At the crow's nest you can see the 4 mile strip of small islands all appeared to be
connected to a man-made strip with road into Homer. It is called the Homer Split in Kachemak bay We got tickets for the on/off bus which I understand takes 45 minutes round trip. Larie is resting as I write this morning's account.

12:15 AM 9/1/2010
Larie is having her hair done on the ship and our cabin is being aired out. So I am at the Crow's
nest with the 180 degree view of Homer Spit Our ship is docked at the end of what is called the "Homer Spit." We took the hop on and off school bus, but when Larie could not find a hair
dresser we headed back to the ship. We made the round trip in about 45 minutes. Except
for the "homer Spit" there was not much of interest at the three stop bus stops. As I
wait for Larie I examined Homer's background and find if you are not a fisherman or
hiker, there is not much to do here except visit the museum. The background pamphlet
explains that bear sightings downtown is a frequent occurrence. Also, we are at Kachemak Bay State Park, which is one of the Ameica's largest coastal parks.

12:26 AM 9/1/2010 spell checked.

Salvador and Leota,
Larie is getting home sick and we would be ready to come home, but when we disembark on Monday, we will be staying two nights before returning home, Lord willing.

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