Holland America Cruise 08/23/10 through 09/06/10

Check out the summary which is the last posting. Images are inserted from first to last for each article. Page down to skip the text just to view the images. We have extensive editing yet to do on our journal for next few weeks. Images are inserted in front of each article topic and above each image is a brief description.
NOTE: Except for the map and ship, you can click on any image for a larger view.

We have examined and selected the "story telling" images that are samples of all photos taken. As we examine images from the larger collection, we will upload them to a photo sharing site and announce the posting here. Glaciers and flowers were the main attractions at the ports. It is almost worth the trip to see the flowers in Alaska. The glacier's are awesome to say the least.

Of the places we visited, the town of Sitka was our favorite. The best view of a glacier was in Juneau. Homer was keen for fisherman, but not for tourists.

A side note:
We learned that many shop owners and those making a living from the tourist are "snowbirds" that move to the lower 48 in the winter, although some of the coastal towns do not get as cold as we might think.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kethikan Cruise Journal

Ketchikan Alaska Duck Tour

Our Duck Captain

Duck Preparing to Enter slip

Duck sliding into water

Eagle Island

as tvllog - 082410
8:25 AM 8/25/2010

Wednesdy 8/25 at 6:25 (I did not reset the clock as we enter a

different time zone today, it is now 7:25 am and while in the

shower I grabbed the shower pipe rather than safety handle and

the shower pipe came tumbling down.: ).
We were scheduled to dock at 7 am so we have to step outside on

the promodade deck to see. We have decided go downtown before

taking the duck tour, as the main street is at the warf.
We will have breakfast at the Lido (after experiencing room

service yesterday, we decided that it is more convenient to eat
beakfast there.

11:08 AM 8/25/2010
We had breakfast in Lido restaurant when it opened and looked at

the city of Ketchikan. After breakfast Larie had a sinking

feeling and we proceeded to our stateroom for her to rest. I am

in the Explorers/Internet/Library area as I prepare to send the

above journal on our travel blog


  1. Wow it appears that you guys are having fun at the same time so much has happened. Please be very careful as I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to either one of you. I was thinking about you guys tried to call but it went striaght to your voicemail; and be hold I go online and I received you email with your blog link. I felt at ease when I read you blog and that thus far all is good. Well, enjoy the rest of your tour and come back as soon as you can with safety in mind. God Bless and keep you and I love and miss you already. 8/25/10 12:15pm

  2. Hey there brother Sammy and Hello sister Larie, I hopr and Pray that all is good, anf find your selves in good health. I anticipate your arrival soon if the good Lord is willing I can hardly wait to see all the wondeful picture and stories you guys have to show and tell! God bless and keep you and we will see you soon if the good Lord wills.
